Bedroom curtains

Bedroom curtains

What is it?

An absolute bore to sew and something I will avoid again if I can a.k.a curtains for our bedroom

Is it blue?


What’s the fabric?

Upholstery fabric

What’s the pattern?

I just sort of made one up. Basically, rectangles, hemmed and then gathered at the top.

Where’s the fabric from?

The Fancy Silk Store, Birmingham

What was good about making this?

Finally getting some curtains in our bedroom; for the last year we’ve just had some nasty white Venetian blinds that were both ugly and ineffective.

What was bad about making this?

The sheer boredom of pinning seams and sewing them when everything is 2m long and straight lines. I also didn’t like the fact that because I had blackout lining, all the hems rolled as I sewed them due to the number of layers of fabric

Would you make it again?

Not if I can help it, but I have a feeling that I’ll need to when we decorate the dining room…..

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